Cochrane Brazil Facebook: reaching people through social media




Poster session 2


Monday 17 September 2018 - 12:30 to 14:00

All authors in correct order:

Riera R1, Latorraca COC1, Pacheco RL1, Martimbianco ALC1, Pachito DV1, Atallah AN1
1 Cochrane Brazil, Brazil
Presenting author and contact person

Presenting author:

Carolina Latorraca

Contact person:

Abstract text
Background: Around 47 million Brazilians access Facebook daily. With this in mind, Cochrane Brazil has been investing in the development of its Facebook page to disseminate the findings of Cochrane systematic reviews as short versions of summaries in Portuguese, short podcasts and blogshots.

Objectives: To assess the effectiveness of disseminating the evidence generated from Cochrane Reviews to the Brazilian community through a simple and accessible platform such as Facebook.

Methods: We analyzed Cochrane Brazil`s Facebook Information page to identify the posts with a larger number of views, likes and comments and the reactions to them.

Results: Cochrane Brazil’s Facebook page has 6448 followers. The page received more than 6420 likes in 2018. Seventy-four per cent of followers are female and 22% live in Sao Paulo city. In February 2018, the page had 313 visits, 87 likes, and reached more than 11,300 persons. The most accessed post was the one about the systematic review on 'Folic acid supplementation during pregnancy for maternal health and pregnancy outcomes'. This post reached around 65,000 people and had 2700 likes and comments. The least accessed post was the one on 'Low pressure versus standard pressure pneumoperitoneum in laparoscopic cholecystectomy'. It reached 242 people and had only three likes.

Conclusions: Brazil ranks second countrywise in the number of visits to Facebook. Cochrane Brazil’s Facebook page is growing and is allowing the Brazilian community to have closer contact with Cochrane products.

Relevance to patients and consumers: 

Cochrane Brazil is disseminating the evidence generated from Cochrane Reviews to the Brazilian community through a simple and accessible platform such as Facebook.