Translating evidence into a user-centred interface: the European Commission Initiative on Breast Cancer (ECIBC) web hub


Oral session: Knowledge translation and communicating evidence (6)


Monday 17 September 2018 - 14:50 to 15:00


All authors in correct order:

Parmelli E1, Bocchi G1, Saz Parkinson Z1, Ambrosio M1, Ben E1, Brunetto A1, Dimitrova N1, Federico G1, Gusmini M1, Neamtiu L1, Pakalin S1, Psenko D1, Torighelli B1, Uluturk A1, Zaro F1, Lerda D1
1 European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Italy
Presenting author and contact person

Presenting author:

Elena Parmelli

Contact person:

Abstract text
The European Commission Initiative on Breast Cancer (ECIBC) aims to ensure quality and equality of breast cancer care across Europe. The ECIBC web hub is the web portal offering ECIBC's information and tools (URL:

To offer:
1) most up-to-date evidence-based recommendations presented and tailored for three different user profiles;
2) tailored tools to collect and display information and data;
3) interactive and continuously updated mapping of breast cancer services adhering to the European Breast Quality Assurance (QA) scheme;

The ECIBC web hub is envisaged to contain documents, tools, mapped results and relevant information regarding breast cancer screening and care in a user-centred environment.

The ECIBC web hub will offer a complete user-centred journey to three different user profiles. It includes:
1) navigation through the web-based European Breast Guidelines developed with GRADE, using GRADEpro, and the complete Evidence-to-Decision frameworks (EtDs) offering the systematic and transparent process from evidence to decision;
2) the Guidelines Platform collecting international trustworthy guidelines from treatment to palliative care;
3) the person-centred European Breast QA scheme's quality requirements underpinned by evidence.

Content is adapted and visualised for three user profiles: individual/patient, healthcare professional, and policymaker.

Since its launch in December 2015, the ECIBC web hub has passed through restyling of its general appearance, as well as several revisions of its content and navigation ease. It is increasingly visited and acknowledged by stakeholders as the communication interface to access ECIBC’s deliverables and to engage in online open calls.

Patient or healthcare consumer involvement:
Patients are members of the two expert panels of ECIBC and are active peers along the entire ECIBC development process. Citizens are encouraged to comment and provide their feedback on the web hub as well as to contribute to online open calls.

Relevance to patients and consumers: 

Within the European Commission Initiative on Breast Cancer (ECIBC), the web hub is meant to be the “one-stop shop” for breast cancer patients, professionals and policymakers. The website is a user-centred platform for women and care givers. It transparently offers bespoke information on where to go and what to expect regarding screening and care compliant with the most up-to-date evidence-based European standards.