We aim to inform participants of the proposed development areas presented in our Content Strategy and supported by our Cochrane Governing Board. We will also promote discussion of a number of different targets to identify the most important challenges, and how we might succeed in meeting them.
We will select three to four of the agreed targets where input from and discussion with the Cochrane Community will be particularly valuable. We intend that these will include network meta-analysis, prognosis reviews, and proposals for a decision tree on when author teams should include non-standard data. We will invite people with an interest and expertise in the selected areas to deliver presentations that will describe the proposed solutions in more detail. This will include implementation challenges such as the need to improve technology platforms, and the provision of guidance or interactive learning modules as needed to scale up the methodology or change proposed. We will then invite discussion on these, either all together or small groups, depending on numbers.
At the end of the meeting, we will summarise the important discussion and learning points and explain how these will inform our future workplans.
Our learning objectives for the session are as follows:
- Participants will have an understanding of why the target is important, what has been done so far, what is proposed and what will be the criteria for success
- Participants will have an opportunity to comment on future plans and also to shape what is proposed to meet their needs more effectively
- Individuals tasked with introducing the changes will have an understanding of the perceived challenges identified by the participants in the areas of technology platforms and eco-system, guidance and training support, and skills development
- The Editorial and Methods Department (EMD) team will be able to take into account the perspectives of participants and methodologists in determining future workplans