Knowledge Translation (KT) across Cochrane is the process of ensuring our evidence reaches the people who need it the most. The Cochrane KT framework identifies its key audiences as consumers and the public; healthcare practitioners; policymakers and healthcare managers; researchers and research funders.
This meeting aims:
• To identify barriers (and potential facilitators) to use Cochrane Evidence;
• To share real-world examples of good practice from Group(s) or Network(s);
• To discuss the applicability of the examples and learning resources, across Groups and Networks.
The Cochrane Knowledge Translation Framework includes a theme on ‘Facilitating pull – growing users’ capacity to find and use Cochrane reviews’. This theme describes facilitating the use of Cochrane reviews in health decision-making through making Cochrane reviews easy to find in appropriate formats and languages, and developing capacity in users to find and use our reviews and products. This workshop focuses on strengthening users’ capacity. The session will share examples and learning, as well as learning resources identified to date.
Examples that are expected to be shared include:
• For consumers, the development of learning resources to engage with health research generally, and Cochrane evidence in particular – the Cochrane Consumer Learning Project
• For healthcare practitioners access to training in finding and using Cochrane evidence;
• For Policy-makers and healthcare managers Easier Learning resources for policy-makers, healthcare organizations and managers to use Cochrane evidence in decision making.
The session will engage participants in discussing these and other examples, what we can learn from them, how we can measure success and spread good practice