Transgeographical review project on factors that influence women's engagement and satisfaction with breastfeeding support

Sunday 16 September 2018 - 07:30 to 08:45


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Restricted: You will be given a closed meeting room

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co-authors respectively co-reviewers


This review project is a qualitative evidence synthesis on factors that influence women's engagement and satisfaction with breastfeeding support programmes, which is registered with the Cochrane Consumers and Communication Review Group. For the further development of the review project a meeting with co-authors (transnationally dispersed) is crucial. We usually communicate remotely due to our disperse affiliations within Europe and beyond and a 2-hours working slot would be of high value to the review's success. We are currently in the screening phase and intend to finalize screening until the Colloquium takes place. We would use this working slot to discuss the results of screening and primarily try to solve conflicts that came up during screening, but also discuss the reviews' progress and methodological challenges.