User-friendly reporting and formatting of Cochrane Reviews of interventions

Sunday 16 September 2018 - 13:00 to 13:45


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CRG Networks


Cochrane reviews are long and complex. Key information required by decision makers and other users, such as guideline developers, may be difficult to find. The length and complexity of reviews also means that they are very time-consuming to write and to edit. Much information is repeated and there are frequently inconsistencies in how results are reported and interpreted within a review. We are working in creating and piloting a new format for Cochrane Reviews of interventions with the aims of being: • More responsive to the needs of users • Less time consuming to write • Easier to edit and to peer review • Compatible with key MECIR standards The initial prototype was presented at the Co-ordinating Editors meeting in Lisbon, and we are now creating prototypes for complex reviews, reviews with narrative synthesis, and reviews without any included studies. This meeting is an opportunity to share and discuss the new prototypes with our community.