On 9 March 2018 the Italian Cochrane Network will launch a first meeting in Milan for new and experienced review authors and users of Cochrane evidence. The aim of the meeting is to present Cochrane's newly appointed Governing Board and Strategy 2020.
Within this context the Neurological Sciences and Rehabilitation Fields decided to organise a workshop to share the new Knowledge Translation Strategy, with the aim of making Cochrane evidence in Italy more relevant and accessible to attending stakeholders and also to elicit perspectives, ideas and cultural values from different existing and potential Italian users through direct consultation and enhanced discussion in order to offer Cochrane Knowledge Translation Framework indications, suggestions and hints.
The two Field directors will talk about Field activities and present the Cochrane Knowledge Translation Strategy to participants (100 in total). To enhance participation, it was decided to divide attendees into homogeneous working groups by category: students, clinicians, researchers, consumers and policy-makers.
There will be a moderator from a Cochrane Field in each group to facilitate discussion using predetermined and semi-structured questions so that all participants have the opportunity to actively participate. Each participant will be asked to write down his/her experience in accessing Cochrane evidence and in implementing Cochrane evidence in their specific working environment or daily life. The moderators will collect the notes and divide them into issues that are similar.
The two Field directors will present their Field’s dissemination strategy.
A further presentation will integrate the two Field strategies with the new suggestions coming from the stakeholder group work. The workshop will close following an interactive discussion.
Patient or healthcare consumer involvement:
We expect that through this model, health professionals will understand at best the process of driving knowledge from research into action in their clinical daily life and consumers and patient groups will be engaged to inform, contribute and actively understand evidence needs and support decision-making in an empowered way.