Introduction to economics methods


Saturday 15 September 2018 - 14:00 to 17:30


Methods Group:  Economics Methods Group

This workshop covers four topics:

  • Economics concepts relevant to Cochrane Reviews
  • The importance and options for incorporating economic evidence and perspective into Cochrane Reviews
  • Different types of economic evaluation
  • What to consider and include when writing a systematic review protocol to include economic evidence

The workshop begins with outlining key principles and concepts of health economics.  It introduces the fundamental economic problem: we cannot do everything we want with the resources available.  We then go on to explore why the choices we make about what to provide differ according to the priorities, values and preferences of society.  From here we introduce the economic concept of efficiency and how information on cost-effectiveness can help inform judgements about efficiency.  The relevance of economic evidence in Cochrane intervention reviews is then introduced, along with guidance about when explicitly including an economic perspective might be useful and how incorporating economic evidence might be done. 

Target audience:  This workshop is designed for review authors and individuals interested in incorporating economic evidence into systematic reviews, protocols and title registrations.  Editorial staff who may encounter title registration forms and protocols with economics components. Any level of knowledge is appropriate.

Type of session:  Training workshop involving interactive presentations, discussions and small group exercises.

Objectives:  By the end of this workshop you should be able to:

  • Define Economic Theory
  • Define the economic concept of Opportunity Cost
  • Differentiate costs and resources considered in decision making
  • Compare and contrast different types of economic evaluation
  • Explain the role and relevance of economic evidence in Cochrane intervention Reviews; and
  • Explain the method for incorporating economic perspectives and evidence into Cochrane Reviews

Please note, the charge for this workshop will be £48 (inc. VAT)



Contact person:


Vale L1, John D2
1 Cochrane Incontinence snd Economic Methods and EPOC, United Kingdom
2 Campbell Collaboration, India