Advances in a trustworthy and digital evidence ecosystem to increase value and reduce waste in health care

Relevance to patients and consumers

This session will be of direct relevance to patients and citizens who today do not reap the full benefits of evidence to inform decisions about their health and care. These problems need to be fixed with an explicit focus on how to include and coordinate patient involvement in the evidence ecosystem, a cycle of evidence from review production through to the use of evidence in heath and care decision-making. Patient-partners contribute directly in our work, as exemplified in the BMJ Rapid Recommendations.


The evidence ecosystem currently functions suboptimally due to key players working independently and in isolation in ‘silos’ at each step, from evidence production to its implementation in health care. Cochrane is collaborating with an innovative research programme and non-profit organization, MAGIC (Making Grade the Irresistible choice), and other key players to break down the ‘silos’, through a conceptual framework called the digital and trustworthy evidence ecosystem (Ecosystem hereafter).


  • To increase participants’ understanding of how the Ecosystem may increase value and reduce waste in health care and research
  • To demonstrate advances and remaining challenges in the Ecosystem, with a particular focus on new approaches to evidence synthesis and guideline creation
  • To give participants the opportunity to discuss their own challenges and proposed solutions with an expert international panel and their peers

Participants need no prior knowledge of the topic area to benefit from attending.

This 90 minute session will comprise three brief presentations (10 minutes plus five minutes for questions) followed by discussions in groups to explore future challenges to be debated in a final discussion all together.


  • Advances and remaining challenges in the evidence ecosystem (Per Olav Vandvik).
  • Cochrane breaking down silos? Examples from oral health (Janet Clarkson).
  • Flow of Cochrane data in the evidence ecosystem: Status update (Chris Mavergames).

Group exercise (15 minutes):

Three topics will be explored in groups, with participants discussing needs, barriers and enablers:

  1. How could people who synthesize evidence work more closely with those involved in later stages of the evidence cycle or Ecosystem?
  2. What do we need to make optimal use of tools and platforms in the Ecosystem?
  3. Should evidence synthesis be fully shared across organizations and continents, to reduce waste?

Feedback from groups and final discussion (30 minutes)


Vandvik P1, Clarkson J2, Mavergames C3
1 Norwegian Institute of Public Health and MAGIC Foundation, Norway
2 Cochrane Oral Health Group, United Kingdom
3 Cochrane Central Executive, Germany

Target audience: 

Individuals interested in any aspect of the evidence ecosystem, from evidence production to implementation.

Type of session: 

Presentations followed by group discussion.


Tuesday 18 September 2018 - 14:00 to 15:30
