How to use the GRADE approach to assess, interpret and present evidence

Workshop category: 

  • Understanding and using evidence
Date and Location


Sunday 16 September 2018 - 11:00 to 12:30


Contact persons and facilitators

Contact person:


Santesso N1
1 Cochrane Canada, GRADEing Methods Group, McMaster University, Canada


Schunemann H1, Mustafa R2, Brozek J3
1 GRADEing Methods Group, McMaster University, Canada
2 University of Kansas Medical Center, USA
3 McMaster University, Canada
Target audience

Target audience: 

Evidence producers, guideline developers, Cochrane Editors and Authors

Level of difficulty: 

Type of workshop

Type of workshop : 



The GRADE approach is being used to assess the quality/certainty of evidence from reviews of the literature in systematic reviews or in guideline development. GRADE can be used to assess the evidence, to interpret findings, and to draw conclusions from randomised or non-randomised studies of interventions. This information is presented in the text of the review and can be presented in a 'Summary of findings' (SoF) table.

To learn to use GRADE (Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation) to assess the evidence, and interpret and present findings of synthesised evidence.

This workshop briefly describes the GRADE criteria to assess the evidence (risk of bias, indirectness, imprecision, inconsistency, publication and others) and the process to create evidence tables (choosing outcomes and comparisons; grading the evidence; and presenting effects in user-friendly numbers). The main part of the workshop is in small groups where participants will do GRADE by applying the concepts to assess the evidence, write results, start an evidence table, and write footnotes. The small groups will be led by experts in GRADE.

Relevance to patients and consumers: 

Not applicable