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Kenneth Warren, MD
Kenneth Warren (1929-1996) was a larger-than-life man who was a source of encouragement and support for many young people, particularly those living in developing countries. He was very influential in drawing attention to the 'great neglected diseases' that plague people in the poorer parts of the world. He was one of the first people to draw attention to the need for valid summaries of key research studies and to the way that electronic media could be used to disseminate the results of health research relevant to people in developing countries. Ken was an enthusiastic supporter of the pilot work in pregnancy and childbirth that led to Cochrane's creation, and, with Fred Mosteller, he co-organised the meeting at the New York Academy of Sciences at which the vision for Cochrane was first made public [more information about Ken Warren].
The Kenneth Warren Prize
The Kenneth Warren Prize has been established with individual and institutional donations (see for details) to celebrate and recognise Ken's interests. It was awarded for the first time at the 8th Cochrane Colloquium in Cape Town, South Africa, in 2000. The Prize is awarded annually to the principal author who is a national living in a developing country of a published Cochrane Review which is judged to be both of high methodological quality and relevant to health problems in developing countries.
The Prize for any given year is open to the principal author of a review published on the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews in the Cochrane Library, in Issues 4-12 of the previous year and issues 1-3 of the current year. In response to the call for nominations, authors may self-select their review(s) based on quality and relevance, and also Cochrane Review Group editorial teams and other Cochrane members may nominate specific reviews.
The judgement is made by a panel comprised entirely of nationals of developing countries. The Prize recipient receives a certificate and US $1000. Also, the travel, accommodation and conference registration costs of the Prize recipient and of the Chair of the selection panel are met to enable attendance at the Colloquium to receive and present the Prize.
Please send all nominations to Lydia Parsonson at
Kenneth Warren Prize recipients
Marissa Alejandria, University of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines.
Intravenous immunoglobulin for treating sepsis and septic shock. [abstract]
Anelise Lima, Federal University of Pelotas, Brazil.
Carbamazepine for cocaine dependence. [abstract]
Manit Srisurapanont, Chiang Mai University, Thailand.
Quetiapine for schizophrenia. [abstract]
Prathap Tharyan, Christian Medical College, Vellore, India.
Electroconvulsive therapy for schizophrenia. [abstract]
Maurício Silva de Lima, Federal University of Pelotas, Brazil.
Antidepressants for cocaine dependence. [abstract]
George Swingler, University of Cape Town, South Africa.
Conjugate vaccines for preventing Haemophilus influenzae type B infections. [abstract]
Marilla Lucero, Research Institute for Tropical Medicine, Muntinlupa City, Philippines.
Pneumococcal conjugate vaccines for preventing vaccine-type invasive pneumococcal disease and pneumonia with consolidation on x-ray in children under two years of age. [abstract]
Jonathan Ipser, MRC Research Unit for Anxiety and Stress Disorders, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa.
Pharmacotherapy for post traumatic stress disorder [abstract].
Gawrie Galappaththy, Ministry of Health, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Primaquine for preventing relapses in people with Plasmodium vivax malaria [abstract].
Martin Meremikwu, University of Calabar, Nigeria. Chemoprophylaxis and intermittent treatment for preventing malaria in children [abstract].
Nandi Siegfried, South African Cochrane Centre, South African Medical Research Council, Tygerberg, South Africa. Male circumcision for prevention of heterosexual acquisition of HIV in men [abstract].
Prince Christopher, Cochrane Infectious Diseases Group and Christian Medical College, Vellore, India. Antibiotic therapy for Shigella dysentery [abstract].
Zohra Lassi, Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth Group and Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi, Pakistan. Community based intervention packages for reducing maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality and improving neonatal outcomes [abstract].
Don Mathanga, Cochrane Infectious Diseases Group and University of Malawi, Malaria Alert Center, College of Medicine, Blantyre, Malawi. Intermittent preventive treatment regimens for malaria in HIV-positive pregnant women[abstract].
Charles Okwundu, Cochrane HIV/AIDS Group and Stellenbosch University, Centre for Evidence-Based Health Care, Tygerberg, South Africa. Antiretroviral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for preventing HIV in high-risk individuals [abstract].
Babalwa Zani, Cochrane Infectious Diseases Group and South African Cochrane Centre, Cape Town, South Africa. Dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine for treating uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria [abstract].
Anju Sinha, Cochrane Neonatal Group, India. Priority setting for research and practice of child health in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) based on evidence from Cochrane Reviews.
Ravindra Prabhu for 'Interventions for dialysis patients with hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection'.
Ahizechukwu Eke, for 'Hepatitis B Immunoglobulin for the prevention of mother to child transmission of hepatitis B virus'.
Nai Ming Lai, for 'Fluid supplementation for neonatal unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia'.
Selection panels for Kenneth Warren Prize
2000 - Tessa Tan-Torres Edejer (Chair), Karla Soares-Weiser and Patrice Matchaba.
2001 - Karla Soares-Weiser (Chair), Marissa Alejandria, Metin Gülmezoglu and Bongani Mayosi.
2002 - Metin Gülmezoglu (Chair), Marissa Alejandria, Bongani Mayosi and Manit Srisurapanont.
2003 - Bongani Mayosi (Chair), Marissa Alejandria, Manit Srisurapanont and Prathap Tharyan.
2004 - Marissa Alejandria (Chair), Maurício Silva de Lima, Manit Srisurapanont and Prathap Tharyan.
2005 - Manit Srisurapanont (Chair), Prathap Tharyan, Maurício Silva de Lima and George Swingler.
2006 - Prathap Tharyan (Chair), Marilla Lucero, Maurício Silva de Lima and George Swingler.
2007 - Prathap Tharyan (Chair), Jonathan Ipser, Marilla Lucero and George Swingler.
2008 - George Swingler (Chair), Marilla Lucero, Jonathan Ipser and Gawrie Galappaththy.
2009 - Marilla Lucero (Chair), Jonathan Ipser, Gawrie Galappaththy and Martin Meremikwu.
2010 - Jonathan Ipser (Chair), Gawrie Galappaththy, Martin Meremikwu and Nandi Siegfried.
2011 - Gawrie Galappaththy (Chair), Martin Meremikwu, Nandi Siegfried and Prince Christopher.
2012 - Martin Meremikwu (Chair), Nandi Siegfried, Prince Christopher and Zohra Lassi.
2013 - Nandi Siegfried (Chair), Prince Christopher, Zohra Lassi and Don Mathanga.
2014 - Prince Christopher (Chair), Zohra Lassi, Don Mathanga and Charles Okwundu.
2015 - Zohra Lassi (chair) Don Mathanga, Charles Okwundu and Babalwa Zani.
2016 - Don Mathanga, Charles Okwundu, Babalwa Zani and Anju Sinha.
2017 - Charles Okwundu, Babalwa Zani, Anju Pradhan, and Ravindra Prabhu
2018 - Babalwa Zani, Anju Pradhan, Ravindra Prabhu, and Ahizechukwu Eke
2019 - Anju Pradhan, Ravindra Prabhu, Ahizechukwu Eke and Nai Ming Lai
Donors to the Kenneth Warren Prize Fund
Individual donors:
Kenneth Warren’s Family, Cyril Akpom, Jan and Iain Chalmers, Dr and Mrs Joseph Cook, Murray and Eleanor Enkin, Phyllis Freeman and Anthony Robbins, Mr and Mrs Alfred Heggie, Adel Mahmoud, Irwin and Marion Schafer, Chris and Jane Silagy.
Institutional donors:
Current Controlled Trials Ltd; Eugene Garfield Foundation; Rockefeller Foundation; The LW Frohlich Charitable Trust.
Additional donations to the Kenneth Warren Prize Fund are very welcome. Anyone wishing to consider making a donation should contact the Central Executive Team at